In addition to text and the graphics you're creating, you're going to need a backup and protection option for your website. fix wordpress malware fix is very significant, and if you back up your site and do not protect you can lose data and information that might be very tough to restore. You don't need to have to start over from scratch once you have done all that work, so make sure you're secure.
Also, don't make the mistake of believing that your hosting company will Continue have your back as far as WordPress backups go. Not always. It's been my experience that the company may or might not be doing backups, while they say they do. Why take that kind of chance?
In case you ever wish to migrate your website elsewhere, like a new hosting company, you'd have the ability to pull this off without a hitch, and also without needing to disturb your old site until the new one was set up and ready to roll.
Safety plug-ins that were all-Rounder can be thought of as a security checker that was complete. They provide you with information concerning the probable weaknesses of the website and scan and check the whole website.
Do not use wp_. Most web hosting providers are removing that default but if yours doesn't, fix wp_ to anything else but that.